Holding court in the High Cascades of central Oregon, Mt. Bachelor provides 4,323 acres of lift-accessible terrain and 360-degree descents from the 9,065’ volcanic peak. This vast landscape is served by 12 lifts – eight of which are high-speed quads – and three easy to use carpets.
mtbachelor.comBig views come with big terrain. Due to Mt. Bachelor’s unique stand-alone (note the name) geography, visitors can explore 360 degrees of skiing and riding off Mt. Bachelor’s 9,065 foot summit. What they’ll find is access to 4,323 acres of skiable terrain featuring endless natural features like playful wind lips, side hits, and everything in between. And because of this unique landscape, it’s not uncommon to be stormy on the west side of the mountain and sunny with low winds on east.
Opened in December 2016, Cloudchaser chairlift unlocked access to 635 acres of additional skiable terrain. Often referred to by locals as “chasing clouds” this terrain offers 6.2 miles / 36 acres of groomed runs and hundreds of acres of natural gullies and skiable glades.
CHECK THE LIFT STATUSOffered in Clearing Rock Bar in the base of West Village, the Mazama Bloody Mary is a local’s favorite. Made with the locally distilled Crater Lake vodka, this Mary is a must meet after a day on the slopes.
SAY CHEERSGo from Bend to up top. For just $10, catch the Mt. Bachelor Shuttle at the Bend Park & Ride lot located on SW Columbia St. between Galveston and Simpson
Discover some of the best activities and adventures at Mt Bachelor