Discounted pricing is available for a select group of eligible recipients, making it easier to tap into that mountain magic.
Eligible recipients: Enrolled college students
Eligible Products: 25/26 Ikon Pass, Ikon Base Pass, Ikon Session Pass, and select local passes.
Eligible recipients: Active licensed nurses
Eligible Products: 25/26 Ikon Pass, Ikon Base Pass, Ikon Session Pass, and select local passes.
Eligible recipients: Active duty and retired military and their adult dependents.
Eligible Products: 25/26 Ikon Pass, Ikon Base Pass, Ikon Session Pass, and select local passes.
In order to receive these exclusive discounted prices on local passes, you will need to verify your status through Sheer ID. Sheer ID is a verification service used to confirm whether or not someone is eligible for exclusive offers.
Verification will take place during the checkout process, and you must provide all required information to Sheer ID in order to be approved.
Read the steps below for each discount to ensure a successful verification experience.
Steps for Sheer ID verification
United States University Criteria: To qualify, eligible schools are those that are classified as Title IV, degree granting, universities in the United States.
Canada University Criteria: Accredited Post Secondary institutions that offer associates degrees or higher according to the Canadian Information Center for International Credentials (CICIC). Schools in Quebec also qualify if they offer Diploma of College Studies (DCS) or Attestation of College Studies (ACS).
Steps for Sheer ID verification
Canadian Military Members: Online purchases are not available at this time. Please send an email to the IKON PASS CONTACT CENTER and customer service will contact you to place an order. Please include:
Steps for Sheer ID verification
Canadian Nurses: Online purchases are available at this time. If you require assistance, please send an email to the Ikon Pass Contact Center and customer service will contact you to place an order. Please include one of the following official documents:
Certificate of License ID card with expiration date Photo ID and recent Pay Stub Official documents must show: